Is This The First Scuba Item You Should Get?

Read why Dive Computers can make your diving safer, and potentially give you longer bottom times! Some even make very cool, awesome everyday watches, too!
Safety, and accuracy in diving are key to "diving another day!" With a dive computer you get that and more!
It's hard to imagine how to dive without one. You can't use someone else's computer with any real measure of confidence or safety due to the differences between diver's physiology and taking into account even marginal dive profile differences. Dive tables, if you still have them, calculate your dive profile based upon going to your deepest depth and total elapsed time. And multilevel diving with the wheel, well, we'll see you for a refresher on how to use that one!
Today, there are many good dive computers available. Some computers track how long you've been underwater and the depth of your dive; calculate the amount of nitrogen in your body; and guide you to a safety stop as you ascend. Even more advanced dive computers take into account factors such as water temperature, diver exertion to determine remaining bottom time before you need to begin a safe ascent to the surface factoring in any stops needed with a safe backup supply of air. We like ascent rate indicators to get our attention when we start going up too fast; even DAN (Diver's Alert, Network) focuses on the contribution of dive computers and the importance of slow ascent rates and how computers help with that. We also look for EANx, enriched air nitrox compatibility (come see what EANx is all about). With Air Integration like in the Suunto Eon Core or Garmin Descent Mk2i, they give you not only remaining no decompression time but also remaining air time. (Now if it could only make lunch...)
In summary, more precise air and nitrogen management makes it possible for YOU to extend your bottom time and stay underwater longer without compromising safety. Using a dive computer, you may even be able to double the length of your dive. Yep - we love dive computers!
Buying a dive computer isn't difficult but there are many options. What works for some people may not be necessary for others depending on what types of diving you are going to do. In some cases, you can buy one style and then upgrade it to another style when you're ready. Some computers pack multiple electronic devices or professional features which may not be needed which may raise the price.
Still confused about the options, whether you will be able to see the screen or interpret the information, then come see us! We'll explain and help you understand the differences that make sense for you!
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