Los Angeles, CA – February 11, 2021 (updated December 12, 2013)
Women make better SCUBA Divers.To all the women out there considering taking up SCUBA diving, some studies show you probably don't know this but you likely have an upper hand on men. Although everyone is different and generalizations always have their exceptions, strong arguments can be made that women simply make better Scuba divers than men do. A 2-year study by Mandy Shackleton at the marine science center at Hull University in the United Kingdom found conclusive evidence.
Here are our top 8 reasons women are better SCUBA divers than men.
Women make better SCUBA Divers.To all the women out there considering taking up SCUBA diving, some studies show you probably don't know this but you likely have an upper hand on men. Although everyone is different and generalizations always have their exceptions, strong arguments can be made that women simply make better Scuba divers than men do. A 2-year study by Mandy Shackleton at the marine science center at Hull University in the United Kingdom found conclusive evidence.
Here are our top 8 reasons women are better SCUBA divers than men.
1. They control their buoyancy better - women generally have a higher percentage of body fat than men, and therefore are more buoyant. Women typically learn to control their body motion, and this includes buoyancy, better when learning how to swim, and can put this skill to good use when they're SCUBA diving.
2. They are more in tune with local cues - women are generally better at reading the clues of their environment. Underwater, this helps them navigate around sensitive vegetation and make smart decisions as things change. The ability to see and adapt to the "big picture" during an undersea adventure can enhance and broaden the experience versus being focused on a single objective of a dive.
3. They are less likely to disrupt their surroundings - studies show that men are far more likely to break off pieces of coral, attempt to touch wildlife, and generally disrupt their underwater environment than women are. Think about window-shopping and how women can simply enjoy their surroundings versus having to make everything into a competition or hunt.
4. They rely more on their lower body than men - as is true with rock climbers, first-time SCUBA divers often rely too much on their upper-body strength and end up tiring themselves out needlessly. Men are far more likely to rely on their upper bodies, whereas women are more in touch with the strength of their lower body and can adjust their breathing, buoyancy, swim and trim to the foundational Precision Diving parameters of SCUBA diving more easily.
5. They control their breathing better - Many SCUBA diving (heterogenous) couples will report to you that even when men dive with more air in their tanks, they still run out of air quicker than their female counterparts. Part of this is because women are smaller and their lungs are smaller as well, meaning it takes less air to fill them up! Maybe it’s all those deep breathing mindfulness exercises, they have learned in yoga or raising kids or not losing their temper.
6. They are more safety conscious - As is true of most studies regarding driving, women are simply more safety conscious underwater than men are. It’s also probably why more men are found on the Darwin award list than females.
7. They stay more calm - In men, testosterone reduces the effects of oxytocin as it is produced in high volumes during stress; this explains the reason for the “fight or flight” response. In women, estrogen amplifies the effects of oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings toward others. The high testosterone levels of men, teamed with adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol make for a more likely loss of cool during underwater stress. Women are much more likely to stay calm when SCUBA diving.
8. They are better non-verbal communicators - women are generally regarded to be better communicators using body-language and visual cues. This is very important when SCUBA diving, as verbal communication underwater is pretty impossible (unless you use a full face mask with communications) and much must be derived from simple gestures.
To be fair, there are a few not so good things about women as SCUBA divers:
- If you're a talkative woman who has to share everything you’re feeling, you just might explode (figuratively speaking); you know who you are. Not to worry, you can learn to use hand signals or get a full face mask with comms.
- Sorry hair, nail and skin upkeep will increase a notch and add to your maintenance regime and the wait-time for your dive buddy.
- Women tend to get colder sooner. With today's improved and better quality thicker neoprene wetsuits, vests, heaters, hooded vests and drysuits in many sizes, there are exposure suit solutions to help with heat loss.
- No one looks great in neoprene apparel, but there are loads of sizes, colors and styles for the finicky diva fashionistas.
For more information on women in SCUBA diving, and the traits that can make someone great at SCUBA diving, contact us.
